Expected Return
From 4% To 7%

Minimum Deposit
5.000 $

90 days

Fees 1%
paid upon withdrawal

What is Fiper ETF?

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) is an investment type that offer investors a way to pool their money in a fund managed by a brokerage company that invests in stocks, bonds, or other assets. In return, investors receive earnings from their invested fund during a certain period of time.

Fiper ETFs were created to meet the needs of all segments of investors, regardless of their level and experience, with very easy procedures and very low risks, this helps the investors to save or invest better than keeping money in hand, which leads to its use in luxuries and unnecessary goods or use in activities with a high risk of loss.

Why do I join Fiper ETF?

- Safe Investment -

Investing with the Fiper ETF is a safe investment, as it guarantees profits between 4% to 7% per month, with a risk ratio of no more than 10%.

- Low Risk -

Our platform complies with Islamic Sharia standards, so there is a possibility of loss, but this possibility does not exceed 10% as a maximum

- Easily Withdraw Profits -

You can easily withdraw your profits and capital through the multiple withdrawal and deposit methods in Fiper

- Don't Make An Effort -

The fund manager and his advisory team use several risk-checking algorithms, and the fund is managed by a group of specialists and headed by Mr. Mohammed Al-Boainain.

How to join Fiper ETF

Open Your Account With Us From Here
Invest the amount that suits you, and let your ETFs do the hard work for you.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is Fiper ETF?

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) is an investment type that offer investors a way to pool their money in a fund managed by a brokerage company that invests in stocks, bonds, or other assets. In return, investors receive earnings from their invested fund during a certain period of time.

Fiper ETFs were created to meet the needs of all segments of investors, regardless of their level and experience, with very easy procedures and very low risks, this helps the investors to save or invest better than keeping money in hand, which leads to its use in luxuries and unnecessary goods or use in activities with a high risk of loss.

How can I join Fiper ETF?

Every active Fiper Client with a minimum of 5,000 USD investment amount can join Fiper ETF program on User dashboard (CRM) and can see the current status of the earnings.

ROI of Fiper ETF?

Expected daily return (0.2% - 0.35%)

Expected monthly return (4% - 7%)

Fiper ETF Term?

Joining Fiper ETF has a binding period of 90 days that has a quarterly (three months) period.

Profits made within the Fiper ETF?

Earnings can be withdrawn at any time (minimum $ 100).

Risks of Fiper ETF?

Maximum risk that the fund may reach is 10%.

Fiper ETF Fees?

The only fee is 1% of the withdrawal amount at the end of 90 days period.

Are Fiper ETF Sharia Compliant?

In general, all the wallets and accounts in Fiper are free of interest and free swaps, in addition to the derivatives, commodities and currencies that are traded, there are no suspicions, companies or indicators that are directly or indirectly related to commodities that are not compatible with Sharia Compliant.

Fiper ETFs fund manager?

Funds are managed by a group of specialists in the financial markets in various sectors, and the group is headed by Mr. Mohammed Al-boinin.

Minimum investment amount to join Fiper ETF?

The minimum amount is 5,000 USD per client.

Maximum investment amount to join Fiper ETF?

The maximum amount is 500,000 USD per client.

Risks of Fiper ETF?

You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in this type of investment product. The fund manager and his advisory team use several risk-checked algorithms with low/medium leverage up to 1:30 and a drawdown rate that may sometimes reach 10% of Maximum active capital.

Terms of cancellation after joining the Fiper ETF?

In the event that the user decides to leave before the prescribed period, 10% will be deducted from the active capital as a fine for non-compliance with the active investment schedule.

How to renew (rejoin) Fiper ETF?

Total invested funds will be deposited back to client account at the end of each quarterly period, and rejoining Fiper ETF is on client’s own discretion.


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